The Value of Cycling TourismSustrans Scotland

executive summary
Our research showed that the total value of cycle tourism in Scotland was up to £239m a year, helping to make the case for further investment and support for cycle tourism in Scotland.
Sustrans Scotland, the national cycle charity, wanted to know how much cycle tourism was worth to the Scottish economy. They wanted to demonstrate the economic value of cycling and make the case for further investment and support for cycling in Scotland.
We examined the economic value of leisure cycle events, infrastructure jobs, tourist expenditure and health savings.
We showed that cycling played an important role in promoting Scotland as a visitor destination, and highlighted business opportunities for investment and expansion of the sector.
We also made a series of recommendations for ways to increase the economic value of cycle tourism in Scotland, such as developing themed cycle tours, promoting cycling to a wider demographic, and creating a single coordinating body for leisure cycle tourism with links to the private sector.
We found that the total value of cycle tourism in Scotland was up to £239m per year.
Our research findings were used by cycling and tourism organisations to provide evidence and make the case for investment and support for leisure cycling in Scotland. We received coverage on the BBC, STV and major Scottish newspapers such as the Herald.
Since publication of our research, the amount of funding for cycling in Scotland has increased, with new routes opening such as the Caledonia Way from Campbeltown to Inverness.