Value of CyclingCycling Scotland

executive summary
Our research showed that cycling was worth up to £775m to the Scottish economy every year.
Various studies had attempted to calculate the economic value of cycling in the UK as a whole, but no study existed that focused specifically on the cycle market in Scotland. This information was needed to show how, if the level of cycling increased to meet the Government’s ambitions, there would be significant economic benefits for the Scottish economy.
To fill this gap in our understanding, Cycling Scotland commissioned us to calculate the value of cycling to the Scottish economy.
We examined economic data on the major areas where direct economic benefits were likely to accrue, namely retail sales of bikes and accessories, manufacturing of bikes and accessories, and cycle tourism.
We also discussed economic impacts with stakeholders such as the Association of Cycle Traders, the Bicycle Association, Cycling Scotland, Cycling UK, Event Scotland, the Forestry Commission, Glasgow Life, Scottish Cycling, Scottish Enterprise, Sustrans Scotland, and several cycle businesses based in Scotland.
We found that cycling made a total economic contribution to Scotland of £596-774 million every year.
Converting these figures into GVA estimates yielded an estimated GVA valuation of between £321 million and £367 million.
Our report was well received on social media and covered in national media, helping to highlight the substantial contribution that cycling makes to the Scottish economy and make the case for further investment in cycling.
“Transform Consulting delivered on time and on budget – I was very pleased to work with them.”
Keith Irving, Chief Executive, Cycling Scotland