Smarter Choices Smarter Places case study designSmarter Choices Smarter Places / Paths for All
executive summary
Our case study designs brought to life the work of the Government’s Smarter Choices Smarter Places programme, encouraging people all over Scotland to start or join in their own local projects to reduce car use.
The Smarter Choices Smarter Places programme has funded hundreds of projects to encourage people to walk, cycle and use public transport when they can. Paths for All wanted to publish case studies to share learning from these projects and encourage good practice across Scotland.
We graphic-designed over 30 Smarter Choices Smarter Places case studies. We created a design template to ensure consistency between the case studies, with plenty of colour and photos to make them look interesting.
We also created infographics to populate the Paths for All Walkipedia website, to show who walks in Scotland and the benefits it brings.
The case studies have been used extensively by Paths for All to bring to life the work of Smarter Choices Smarter Places projects. By seeing what has been achieved elsewhere, local authorities, Regional Transport Partnerships, the NHS, public transport operators, employers and community groups across Scotland have all been encouraged to start or participate in their own local travel behaviour change projects.
“Paths for All works closely with Transform Consulting and commissions them to undertake research on our behalf. We have found our engagement with Transform Consulting to be productive, inspiring and professional.“
Ian Findlay, Chief Officer, Paths for All