Deep Time WalkThe Deep Time Walk Project

executive summary
We created the website for Deep Time Walk, an award-winning app that enables anyone, anywhere to experience a walking audio history of the living Earth.
Deep Time Walk is an app that calculates the user’s speed and distance as they journey across 4.6bn years of time over 4.6 km, enabling them to learn about key evolutionary events as they occur and comprehend the destructive impact of humans on the Earth’s complex climate.
The developers behind Deep Time Walk wanted to create a website to showcase their product. The website had to be bold, distinctive and inspiring to encourage people to use the app. It also had to incorporate ways for people to interact and share Deep Time Walk.
We created a stunning new website for Deep Time Walk. The site included lots of complex features such as an online store, audio samples, social media feedback, blog and events map functionality.
Deep Time Walk continues to inspire people to experience earth’s history in a unique, thought-provoking way. By expanding our perception of time and the future, it has encouraged people to think and act more long-term, to focus on problems such as climate change and ecological collapse rather than short-term needs.